It’s all open source

In learning you will teach, and in teaching you will learn

– Phil Collins

Lagos 2015, Phone buffs project

When I finished secondary school and decided to go full time into photography i made a vow to make sure I correct the ills in my little time of learning. The African continent is ridden with people believe in having not just veto-power but veto-knowledge. Being a victim of veto-knowledge I have decided not to allow others fall victim. Teach a child how to fish, not give him fish everyday.

This website is for Peter Alawode Photography, a company based in Lagos, Nigeria which is owned by 20 Year old Peter Alawode, an undergraduate of the Department of Linguistics, University of Ibadan. You can learn more about what services we offer by clicking here

You will notice a page which says ‘blog’ above there (click the menu drop down if on mobile) That is the most vital page of this website. That is where I teach and learn. I believe when we teach each other, we learn new techniques from each other. No one is the all knowing in a world of creativity and that is why I have set up the blog to talk about photography as a whole, share ideas, get other photographers experiences, write reviews, and in all, become a one-stop area of knowledge for photographers.

Where am I heading?
The content on this blog and website at large is open-source. This means you are free to read, edit, comment and share on any platform. The aim is not to make photography look like a sacred art, but to enlighten and learn, to share ideas, to push each other beyond limits. I have always been saddened by the fact that people believe that knowledge can be theirs and theirs only, why not share? Some who do share, do so for profit making by selling at unaffordable prices to the society. I want to make a difference, I am in support of open source. You are free to become an contributor on this blog, kindly contact me to have your educative posts go on the blog.

The only source of income in my photography is shooting on demand and that is why I have a page dedicated to receiving your bookings, but I spend more time teaching than shooting.

I am Peter Alawode, I am a teacher!
Let’s discuss now, come to the blog

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